Why women deserve equal rights as men
By Faith W.
Many people currently are debating the issue of women rights. The issue of women rights is important right now because women are being told that they're going to have limits on what to do with their own body. Some people might think women don't need to because they treat women like they're not human. Other people do want women to have rights and not limited rights because they have sisters and Moms and they care about their well being. Women should have the same amount of rights as men and their rights shouldnt be limited just because their women.
When women have equal rights as men it helps prevent violence among women. According to Amnesty International, across the globe girls and women still face with discrimination gender inequality underpins many problems which disproportionately affect women and girls. Women should have rights to their own body because that means women who fought for their rights fought for nothing. According to the National Women's History Alliance, the women at the first women’s rights conference on July 13, 1848 wrote, “The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her.” In other words, women are violent and controlling towards women when society is not set up to make them equal. For this reason--to prevent gender crimes--women and men should have the same rights.
Women have to deal with a lot of mental health issues that men don't face such as postpartum depression. Women have to deal with postpartum depression after having a baby; it can lead to suicide. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 80% of women feel sad sometimes after having a baby and of these about 15% get postpartum depression. Research on prevention and treatment is not being done enough probably because it only affects women, which is not fair. According to Pub Med Central, “Standardization of definitions and ascertainment of maternal deaths have improved identification of perinatal deaths by suicide and risk factors for perinatal suicide. Reports of a protective effect of pregnancy and postpartum on suicide risk may be inflated. Clinicians must be vigilant for risk of suicide among their perinatal patients, especially those with mental health diagnoses or prior suicide attempts.” As shown, more research needs to be done on postpartum depression and other issues that affect just women. Equal treatment in the form of equal amounts of research on men’s and women’s issues needs to be done. Otherwise, women might continue to suffer from things like postpartum depression unfairly and unnecessarily.
The third reason why women deserve the same rights as men is because Women rights are human rights that all women should have but these rights are often not protected to the same extent as the rights as men Among other women rights physical integrity rights such as being free from violence and making choices over their own body and being paid as equally as men because they work just as hard as men. Despite much progress women made over the years women rights globally millions of women still face discrimination and violence and being denied their equality. According to DocsTeach.org When they made the constitution it was made to silent women and excluded them from most rights and privileges. Women operated in limited and rigid roles. Gender bias continues to create huge barriers for many women ongoing struggles include ensuring equal economic opportunity educational equity and to end gender based violence.
Despite three good reasons why women’s rights matter that have been given here, some people disagree and believe that women are inferior to men. These people say that suffrage would cause men to fail to support dependent women, for example, or that giving women rights makes them less likely to be supported by men in general. However, they are wrong because most women don’t need men to survive like men say women do because women are just as powerful as men are with and without them.
Mackenzie F. said, "Women deserve equal rights as men because each women is a person and deserve rights just like them none of the less."
All in all, women’s rights do matter Because women deserve as much as men because women are human just like men and women deserve equal human rights and Women go through so much stuff so they deserve to have not just their own body but just in general.