Larry B.
Larry B. is 17 years old and currently a senior attending Airport High School. He enjoys hunting, fishing, and going to the river with buddies. He spends most of his time (when not in school) working at UPS unloading and loading trucks. Larry is also very ready to be done with high school, to move on with his life, and to start doing his own thing.
Larry Burgess has no background or skills in writing new paper articles or being a reporter. He is always willing to learn new skills and develop his writing experience. Although he does not offer much to writing, reporting, and news paper world, he is glad to be taking a Journalism class and can't wait to learn and grow in his writing, reading, and grammar skills.
Larry plans to get out of high school and continue to work his way up at UPS. Later on, he also plans to join the Marines and learn to be a diesel mechanic or just something involved with motors.

Mariah C.
Mariah is a 17 year old student at Airport High School. Since elementary school she has made it a number one goal of hers to keep her academic success at a higher level. Finishing school and being successful throughout life is her top priority at this point in her life. She plans on being a neonatal nurse when she finishes college.
Mariah has a passionate love for music. Out of all genres of music she is an R&B fanatic. Her favorite female artists are Fantasia Barrino and Keyshia Cole. Along with music, Mariah also has a passion for cosmetology. She is going to State Board at the end of the school year to try for her license. Mariah wants to use cosmetology as a tool in earning extra money while in college.
Mariah hopes to contribute to the newspaper by writing about music and cosmetology.

Gabriella C.
Gabriella is a junior at Airport High school, where she is spending her first year here being a part of the school newspaper in her journalism class. She knew this would be the perfect fit because she often spends parts of her day writing music, poetry, and literature. The other parts of her day she likes to spend working, helping others, and shopping.
Although, Gabriella is new to Airport, being new is nothing new to her. Gabriella has gone to 6 high schools throughout the past couple years! She has always loved moving, change, and the opportunity to start over because she’s always up for any challenge. Sadly, with moving so often, she has been unable to participate in any extra-curriculars for very long. In the past, Gabi has been a part of Yearbook, Beta Club, Chorus, Volleyball, and Softball.
As someone who is so used to change, Gabriella hopes to add an interesting, adaptable flare to the school’s newspaper.

DeNassa D.
DeNassa Dickerson is currently a senior at Airport High school. Although she's not too involved in any extracurricular actives at her school, she's participated in concert band and talent search.
DeNassa likes to keep to herself while observing her surroundings. She's very interested in music, health, and current events. So, as she writes for the school paper this semester, she will try to tackle, discuss, or try to draw attention to situations or debates that she feels are relevant at Airport High school.
DeNassa's favorite subject would have to be English because its one of the best ways to express oneself. She has completed English I-IV, starting English I in the eight grade, mostly on the Honors track, which has prepared her for the rigors of newspaper journalism.
Hopefully, DeNassa will be able to graduated with her CNA and walk right out of high school and into a job in a health setting. After she graduates, she will attend a technical college to get her associates in nursing and biology. Afterwards, she will apply to a university to continue in her majors and get a bachelors despite not knowing exactly where she will attend yet. DeNassa hopes to make the best of her senior year, by getting good grades and having as much fun as she can.

Nicole D.
Nicole Doherty was born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina on June 24, 1999. She lives with her mother and stepdad, Stephanie and Mike Volk. She has a brother and a half sister named Chris (22) and Dee (7), respectively. Nicole is currently a senior at Airport High School and plans on graduating after first semester. Her background in English only consists of English I-IV, but she does enjoy writing every once in awhile. For the school newspaper, Nicole plans to write articles that draw attention to important subjects such as equal rights and the LGBT community. Her future goals in life include going to esthetician school and becoming a makeup artist. One day she also hopes to travel and move abroad to places such as Canada and England.

Dillon E.
Dillon is a senior at Airport High School. He is currently 17 years old and turning 18 in January. He has participated in the past in football and likes to work on his truck in his free time.
Dillon's experience that qualifies him for The Eyrie is his general knowledge on the local news and his participation in the journalism class. His current goals for the newspaper are to broaden the audience for The Eyrie and to improve on the content. Also he looks to grab the reader's attention more.
His future goals in life are to enroll at USC for the physical therapy program. Although his love for mechanical work on vehicles won't be his main focus in college, he still plans on working on them in his free time.

Jordan F.
Jordan spends a lot of time at New Brookland Tavern watching live music, hanging out at the lake with friends, and listening to old records. She has taken a photography class. Sadly, she has applied to several yearbook classes, but never made it into one. She has completed English I-IV. She hopes to make the newspaper something that people will look forward to reading and anticipate its release. Also, she aims to open the minds of readers and inform them on topics they might not otherwise research. She plans on graduating with the class of 2017. Afterwards, she wants to take it easy, keep healthy, and see where life takes her. She has no colleges in mind and is mostly undecided on a major.

Dianely G.
Dianely is a currently a seventeen fyear old senior at Airport High School. Journalism is one out of the three classes she is taking this semester. Dianely plays on the softball team at her school. She currently has a job as a back of house team member and Chick-Fil-A. Along with softball she also likes to play volleyball in her free time.
In the eighth grade she took English I, which gave her the chance to end up taking Journalism as a senior. At first she wasn't really sure if she wanted to take Journalism but she took it anyway. So far she really likes it.
Dianely is taking the cosmetology program at her school in hopes of getting her cosmetology license after she graduates, it being she passes her state board exam.
Her interest are sports and hair. She would like to bring more types of interesting news to the school newspaper. And also hopes to put the paper out there so students can read it and find out what they're missing out on.

Beverly H.
Beverly is a senior at Airport High. Ever since 3rd grade, she has had a passion for writing. Since then, she has written many stories -- from mystery to romance to fan fiction. After high school, she plans to attend Midlands Technical College to begin to study for her dream career as a magazine editor. Thus, Beverly is super excited about being apart of The Eyrie and is determined to make the Airport students interested in what is happening at school and for the student body to stay connected.
Throughout her years here at AHS, Beverly has also been a part of Tri-M and Bigger Picture.

Guadalupe I.
Guadalupe is a senior at Airport High School. She enjoys drinking tea, drawing and watching Dr. Who. Other than working on The Eyrie newspaper, she is currently participating in the AHS orchestra class. She plans to write about current events, environmental issues and a variety of other topics.

Dray J.
Dray Johnson, senior at Airport High School, is a great person. Excelling inside and outside of the classroom, he accepts responsibility and daily challenges that push him to be better each day. Nice, smart, funny are just a few words to describe him and those are just a few that make this unique person.
When Dray is not at school, you might find him at home or at the mall. One of his favorite hobbies is playing basketball, or 2K. He loves to eat and almost every food is his favorite, yet he is very skinny. He likes music and long walks on the beach. Although he doesn't know how to swim, he is always eager for a trip to the beach.
Dray has very high expectations for the school newspaper. Usually the newspaper seems to fly under the radar or go unnoticed, but surely with him on the team, The Eyrie is sure to skyrocket in popularity.

Jarrett K.
Jarrett Kanipe is a senior at Airport High School. He spends his free time playing video games and longboarding. Jarrett also runs a press, does bindery work, and designs at K&K Printing Co. He hopes he can parlay some of this printing knowledge to the school paper.
After high school, Jarrett plans to attend the Art Institute of North Carolina to study video game creation. His dream is to work at the Bethesda game-creating company in Maryland, USA.
Given his additional interest in politics, Jarrett’s main plan for the newspaper is to inform the readers on the truth about politics and what they should know about it.

Christian M.
Christian is a senior at Airport High School. He has pretty good knowledge of English due to the various courses he has taken on it over the years. He began English I in 8th grade, and ended his English classes with English IV junior year, leading into Journalism for his final year of high school. He also currently takes Digital Multimedia, expecting that and Journalism to correspond well with each other.
In his free time, Christian enjoys playing various genres of video games, eating almost anything, and sleeping. He believes to be very good at sleeping and wishes he had the spare time to do it more often. Too bad for him, school ruins that luxury.

Allison M.
Allison Miller is a senior at Airport High School and is currently taking journalism. Allison’s interest in writing began in the 7th grade and she hasn't stopped writing since then. Allison's goal for the school's newspaper is to keep students informed, updated, and connected to things. Allison spends her spare time reading, writing short stories, and spending time with friends and family.
While Allison is interested in journalism and writing, she plans to pursue a career as a Dental Hygienist.

Kaylee R.
KayLee is currently a senior at Airport High School. She is has taken four different English classes, leading her on to her fifth, Journalism. This is her first time writing for the school newspaper. Along with journalism, KayLee is currently taking Health Science 3 Honors. Next semester she will be taking the clinicals class where she will hopefully license to become a CNA.
Although English isn’t her strongest subject, she wishes to excel in bringing The Eyrie back to the surface. KayLee believes The Eyrie will excel and become more productive this year. She believes she qualifies for the 2016 journalism class due to the fact she has taken English 1-4. Half her English classes have been honors. She has previously written many essays for things such as contests, and internships.
While KayLee doesn’t think journalism is what she wants to do later in life, she plans to eventually become a dentist. To achieve these goals, she plans to attend MTC to obtain her associates in Dental Hygiene.
Although, no matter where KayLee is attending, she will forever be an eagle. GO EAGLES!!!

Robbie S.
Robbie is a senior at Airport High School, avid gamer, and beginning YouTuber, and he has interests that involve robotics, like fan-made projects of games and such. He is for the most part well informed about game-related events, smart, and passionate about things he feels people should be made aware of, along with caring about his friends. He may not have a clear idea of what he wants to do after graduating but hopes to be an inventor and help people in some way all over the world. He hopes to help people learn neat and interesting lifehacks, game reviews, announce upcoming videos about his channel, and tell them about other game related projects and such in the news along with answering game related questions in the news. He has a YouTube channel and online goes by Gaming Gallade and plans on uploading more videos which people will learn about his projects and such. He is also reliable and tries to do his best no matter what. The reason he goes by Gaming Gallade is because of his chivalrous attitude, willingness to protect his friends and family, and his interest in swordsmanship.

Maya W.
Mya is in her junior year at Airport High School. She is currently a member of the Varsity cheerleading team. Mya has two sisters and one brother. She enjoys writing short stories and reading various books.
As of right now, she is in her last course of English (English IV), but is also taking Journalism as an interested class. Mya doesn't know much about journalism, yet she knows writing is involved so she's all in!
Mya's goals in Journalism are to learn more about its different categories. For the newspaper, she wants to write about the most important issues. Important issues like, corruption, politics, or the environment. She also would like to write about the important issues dealing with school. Mya would like to bring happiness and excitement also to the newspaper.
In the further future, Mya plans on taking her journalism skills into senior year. Mya thinks by furthering her knowledge in journalism, will allow her to know what she actually wants to be. She wants to make a career out of journalism. Mya has learned that Wingate university offers a radio station and a newspaper team. Wingate is the first college on Mya’s list.

Christian W.
Christian attends Airport High school as a senior attending Mrs. Rasmussens journalism class. He is going to be writing for the school newspaper for his first time. Even though he is nervous because of his lack in writing knowledge, he plans to give it his best efforts. He has been in several school clubs, including Beta Club, NHS, and the B27 club. Christian has been the captain of the Airport Rifle team but will not be engaging in the sport his senior year. As for writing, Christian is not very experienced. He has taken English 1, 2, 3, and 4 all as honors classes so he has a very advanced vocabulary. For the newspaper, he plans to broaden vocabulary choices with more advanced words for students. Christian plans on covering stories that involve improvements and advancements made by and for the school. For his future he plans on attending an Ivy League school such as Yale or Harvard, although he knows that is a stretch. Planning to major in computer sciences and find a career in computer software and hardware.