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Blake M.


Blake M. is a senior athlete at Airport High School. He has played baseball all 4 years he has been at Airport. He was born on March 10, 2004 at the Baptist Hospital. He lives in Cayce, South Carolina off of Frink Street. He is a semi professional race car driver. In the words of Ricky Bobby:  “If you ain't first, you're last."

Blake M. has had four years of English courses under his belt, he has taken English 1, 2, 3, and 4. In all four of these courses he has done very well. He does not have any experience in journalism, but he loves sports and is excited to share it on The Eyrie.


One thing Blake M. likes is baseball. He has played baseball since he was two years old and is still playing today for Airport High School. He is a right handed pitcher that has topped at 92 mph. He also plays baseball during the summer and the fall. Blake M. also likes to go fishing in his spare time. His favorite lure to throw is either a frog or a rooster tail. He also likes to work on his truck. Blake drives an 01 Silverado 1500 4wd 5.3 that sits on 20 inch XD818 Heist and 33 inch Ridge Grapplers with 3 inch lift keys. His truck is also straight piped with matt black 6 inch dumps. One of Blake’s favorite movies to watch is Talladega Nights. Some of Blake’s dislikes are Clemson, mayonnaise, and cleaning. Once again, Blake M. plans on sharing his interest in Airport High School sports. Another contribution he is going to add to The Eyrie is photography.


Camryn W.


Camryn W. is a senior at Airport High School. She was born at the Lexington Hospital on November 26, 2003. Camryn lives in Cayce, South Carolina off Frink Street. Her extracurricular activities include going to church at Holland Avenue, playing basketball, swimming, and hanging out with family and friends! She is beginning her second year on the Varsity Airport Ladies basketball team as well. 

Camryn has taken English 1, 2, 3, and 4 here at Airport High School. Her journalism career is slim, as she only writes about her personal life in a journal every once in a while. Put that aside, she is excited to share her insight on all of Airport High School’s good deeds. 

Outside of school, Camryn W. likes tacos, people being kind, reading her Bible, hanging out with her family and friends, swimming, playing basketball and going to the beach. Camryn W. dislikes bananas, people being rude and disrespectful, loud noises, and being sunburnt. In her spare time she plays basketball for the Airport High School varsity girls basketball team. She also hangs out with her friends often, and she loves to take naps as well. Camryn’s personality traits are happy, caring, funny and sarcastic. In the Eyrie she hopes to write about the good deeds she sees throughout her school days. She plans on contributing to the Airport High School community by spreading positivity!


Damariah H.


Damariah Hart is a sixteen-year old Junior. She is a resident of West Columbia, South Carolina. She currently is a part of the JV cheer team and works at Hollister. She loves to go outside in nature. She likes to hang out with friends whenever she can. During her free time she writes off on prompts she finds online and screenplays she hopes to pursue. Her personality is shy at first but the more you get to know her she is hilarious and talkative. She enjoys creative writing, and would like to work on opinion pieces. She also plans to join student government and volunteer at the pet shelter. She is new to journalism, but she is excited to get started. She hopes that journalism will help her with her writing to make her sound more professional. Also, she hopes that journalism will help her to write faster and not make every piece longer than what it has to be. She also hopes to contribute more to The Eyrie with photography and poetry. She thinks that writing for the newspaper will ultimately benefit her  in a lot of different ways. After high school, she is thinking about maybe doing something in writing and the arts or maybe doing forensics. 

Emma B.


Emma is currently an 11th grader at Airport High School. She was born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina. She doesn't participate in any extracurricular activities or sports, but she does hope to find one that she would be interested in.


Emma has taken English I and II Honors at Airport. She has additionally taken Digital Multimedia and Digital Art and Design at the Innovation Center. She enjoys reading articles about her favorite shows and movies as well as reading comics in the newspaper.  She likes to write stories and make scripts for movies she makes with her cousins. She really enjoys videography and creative writing. Emma is excited to write for The Eyrie. She hopes that she will be able to write opinionated articles on trends and entertainment. She also would like to write advice for students on The Eyrie.


Emma loves playing video games and reading.  She loves animals and has four dogs. Emma enjoys watching movies and TV shows. Some of her favorites are Avengers: Age of Ultron, Spongebob Squarepants, The Spongebob Movie, and Star Wars Episode III. Emma also enjoys listening to music. She loves all types of music but her favorite genre is rock. Her favorite band is Foo Fighters. 

Juan P.-V.


Juan just turned 15 years old about a month ago. He was born in Columbia, South Carolina and lives with his mom, dad, brother, and grandpa. He used to live in Columbia by the WildeWood area but moved here to Gaston because his parents liked it here better. Right now, he is a sophomore at Airport High School and still trying to get used to the place a little bit. Right now he is not in any clubs or sports but in the future he plans to join at least one club to socialize more.


Juan has no clue how he ended up in Journalism class and thought he was doomed from the start since English is by far my weakest subject. Right now, he really enjoys the class and as long as he does most of his work, he should be fine. In the past, he was in magnet programs so his teachers taught more and gave a lot of work so that gives him a little slight advantage when it comes to some subjects. He is pretty new to Journalism and doesn't know much about it but by the end of the semester he hopes to have enough knowledge to tell other people about it. He is not really a news person but when he does watch news he watches WIS 10 and CNN sometimes. When it comes to pop culture news, he looks on IG pages to see what's happening right now.


Juan's hobbies are very vague and include playing games, sleeping, and going outside and walking around. Some things that he dislikes are staying out in the sun with no shade. He hates that since his skin feels like it's about to burn off. The thing that he usually does the most is play games with his friends from his old area. If his medical condition didn’t prevent me from doing sports, he would probably play a sport like soccer if he had the opportunity.  He would like to write about things people can relate to in The Eyrie so that way people can look at it and be able to understand it.

Kassie J.


Who is Kassie? That is an important question. She doesn't know exactly who she is yet and am still trying to figure that out along the way. She was born in Chesterfield, South Carolina. She currently lives in West Columbia, South Carolina. She is in the 10th grade. She plans on trying out for the softball team this year because she loves to do sports. In her free time, she likes to go and play volleyball. She played volleyball for three years. She also used to play on the Marlboro County Rescue Team. Lastly, she used to be on the student government at her old school.  


Kassie hasn't taken any specific courses to prepare her to write in The Eyrie. To be honest, she has never even heard of it until now and has never been in journalism classes before now. The only media she has been currently interested in is social media like, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. She doesn't really watch the news unless she is asleep and wakes up, and that is what is on the TV.


Besides a strong dislike for school, she doesn't like waking up early. She does like to listen to music, sleep, and cook. In her spare time, she likes to make Tik Toks and watch movies. She especially likes to go skating on the weekends. Her interests are skating, reading, movies, music, relaxing, drawing, and having fun. She would like to contribute her photography skills to The Eyrie.

Makhi P.


Makhi was born here in South Carolina at Lexington Medical Center. He is currently in his third year of High School. He used to play football, basketball, and baseball, but due to a knee injury he had to stop playing sports unfortunately.


Over the past five years, Makhi has taken classes and joined clubs to help him be able to write for The Eyrie. For example, the Yearbook Club was a club he joined five years ago while he was in the seventh grade at Fulmer Middle School. Part of his job while a part of the Yearbook Club was to interview students and teacher about events that happened at the school and report back with the information to go into the yearbook. He has also previously taken English I and English II, and both classes have helped prepare him to write.


While  outside of school, Makhi tends to spend most of my time playing his Xbox or playing with his dog or babysitting his niece. He also really enjoys cooking and hopes to one day open his very own restaurant in London. People tend to describe him as outgoing or carefree and for the most part they are correct, but most of the time he is the type of person that would rather stay home and watch a movie with his family more than going out and partying. While writing for The Eyrie, Makhi hopes to cover topics that have a strong tie with the student base such as how lunches are late in the school day and how the lunch room is overcrowded. He would also like to be a photographer for the school paper as well.

Mary H.


Mary is 15 years old and also a sophomore.  She was born and raised in Phoenix , Arizona but now lives in South Carolina. She has been here for about 5, maybe 6 years now . Some things that she likes to participate in are swimming. She loves swimming , and her parents like to call her "a fish out of water.”  She is not really a sports person, but if she had to pick a sport  that she likes most it would be basketball . 

The courses Mary has taken that may have prepared her to work for The Eyrie would be maybe English and some journalism . Experience she has had in journalism is learning new vocabulary related to the news business, and she is learning how to make or write her own articles . Mary likes to see what's going on in the celebrities life and what they post and stuff like that . The exact news that she watches is WIS news 10.

Things that Mary likes and dislikes about school are hanging out with friends when she has the chance. She also likes to do school work when she knows what she is doing . The only thing that she dislikes about school is all the work the teachers give us at once. The top thing that she does in her spare time is being on her phone. She would either be on Snapchat or Tik Tok and Instagram every now and then. Some of her interests or hobbies are skating, like at the skating rink.  She sings and dances, and next semester she will be in Chorus 2 . 

Natalya C.


Natalya is in her senior year at Airport High School. Born and raised in South Carolina, she is turning 18 in November. She never really participated in extracurricular activities in school, as she was always the to type to ‘lay low’ in school, not wanting to stand out at all or be center of attention. She grew out of that though in her junior year of high school, and ironically it was while COVID was going on and she was taking her classes online from home. 

Quarantine had given Natalya time to herself which in turn made her become more outspoken and got her interested in painting and writing. Her writing did come in handy for her classes. Her grades have always been As and Bs, especially in English class. This young woman can write about almost anything and make it sound well written, as long as she is interested in the subject. 

She never really had any interest in journalism until she understood the different media it presents itself in, like the news. She always watches the news and follows CNN on Twitter to stay updated. Staying updated has always been important to her. Now she has the opportunity to keep people updated on certain topics too. Her main contributions to The Eyrie will be articles on current news and maybe some artwork.

Nina S.


Nina Shealy is a senior at Airport High School, participating in such extracurriculars as cross country, basketball, track, Beta Club, and B27. With her school participation comes her academic achievement, as she has proudly maintained all As and Bs throughout her years of school. The daughter of two Airport graduates and sister of current sophomore Redding, Nina is
all about school spirit! 


Nina, nicknamed ”Beans” by her parents, is a political junkie and enjoys watching the news and (sometimes) seeing politicians up close and personal. She tries to see all sides of every situation, but knows right from wrong and calls it like she sees it. Her favorite subject is English and like her mother, she wants to be an English major in college and use that to maybe one day
write a biography about her grandparents’ life in Japan towards the end of the Vietnam war.


Getting the COVID-19 vaccine allowed her to feel safer during her two main hobbies: hanging out with friends and shopping (mostly online). While working at Dunkin’ this past summer, she met new people everyday and learned how coffee can bring people together. She also participates in a youth group at Cayce United Methodist and loves to help others around her
through that. She encourages all to get vaccinated in hopes that life will be back to normal.

Samari P.


Samari is a 16 year-old junior at Airport High School. She was born in West Columbia, S.C, and she doesn’t participate in any extracurricular activities such as sports or student government although she is and has been a member of multiple honor societies such as the Beta Club, National Junior Honors Society, National Honors Society, and so on. 


She has been taking honors-leveled English classes since middle school and has so far excelled since. She partakes in creative writing on her own time and writes, for example, poems and short stories. She genuinely enjoys writing, researching, and learning, and has great interest in journalism.


Along with creative writing, Samari also enjoys drawing, and reading novels. Psychology and philosophy books are some of her favorites, as well as theory books. Samari finds comfort in writing, and she is very eager to be a part of The Eyrie.

Skylar R.


Skylar R. is a senior at Airport high school and this is her first year focusing on writing in school. She is in Chorus and participates in Show Choir both semesters. She has been an alto and tries to be a team leader. 


Skylar was born October 13 of 2003 and is the oldest, and only girl, of four brothers. Skylar has taken English Honors 1-4, making honor roll in all courses. She pushes herself academically and tries to maintain an A average. Skylar has owned a photography business for four years, focusing on weddings and lifestyle photography and hopes to apply her photo skills to the newspaper. Her mom wrote on The Eyrie during her time in high school. 


Skylar loves learning about the American Revolution and history, especially when it’s sung in a show tune (e.g., Hamilton and Six), but she loves all theater and production. Skylar hopes to write opinion articles about controversial topics. Coming from a family who has very different political views, she loves to converse and debate over topics. 

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