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SPECIAL ISSUE: AP Lang students share their voices

As part of a unit on rhetorical analysis of newspaper editorials, students had to write their own. Shared below are the best of the best from this batch of guest writers.

Embracing creativity: TikTok’s role in fostering community and expression

By Jayden T.

Imagine a world where each swipe results in a burst of laughter, a spark of inspiration, or a genuine connection. That's the appealing aspect of TikTok—a virtual paradise where hearts come together and creativity thrives. However, beneath the mesmerizing dances and humorous sketches, there is a deeper narrative to be told—one of empowerment and the revolutionary potential of social media. TikTok, a social media platform owned by Chinese company ByteDance, debuted globally in September 2017 and has quickly gained popularity. Users can create and share short videos ranging in length from 15 seconds to one minute, with content including lip-syncing, dancing, comedy sketches, and more. TikTok's algorithm is also notable for its ability to quickly personalize the content feed in response to user preferences. However, TikTok has faced scrutiny for privacy concerns, content moderation, and user data handling, owing in large part to its Chinese ownership. Although there are differing opinions on whether TikTok should be banned, the app provides a platform for creativity, inspiration, and community building and should remain available for Americans' use.

TikTok enables individuals to effortlessly create and share short videos using a variety of editing tools and effects, promoting experimentation and creativity. TikTok also provides challenges and trends that inspire users to produce and remix videos. For example, the "Flip the Switch" challenge produced a variety of interpretations in which users swapped clothes or positions with a partner, allowing them to express their creativity within a specific framework. TikTok has also introduced new genres such as POV (point of view) storytelling, food videos, dancing challenges, and comedy sketches, giving users a range of options for creative expression. These formats frequently evolve as users experiment with new styles and techniques, pushing the limits of short clips.

In addition, within its diverse content ecosystem, TikTok provides an inspiring platform where users can find videos from various interests, talents and perspectives that serve as a source of motivation, ideas and creativity for others. To support this, the TikTok “For You” page provides you with personalized content based on user interests, engagement history and trending topics. This feature exposes users to a wide variety of videos outside of their immediate social circle, facilitating amazing discoveries and opening them up to new ideas, skills and perspectives. Overtime, TikTok is increasingly becoming an educational content platform, with creators sharing informative and educational videos on topics ranging from cooking and DIY to science, history and personal development. These videos not only educate, but also inspire users to learn new skills, try new experiences and expand their horizons.

Furthermore, TikTok's interactive features, such as comments, likes, shares, and duets, bring users together, allowing them to interact with one other's material, cooperate on creative projects, and form important relationships within the community. For example, live streaming enables content creators to communicate with their audience in real time, fostering direct interaction and personal connections. Additionally, events and challenges bring people together to share goals or interests, creating opportunities for community and collaboration.

Some may argue that TikTok, being a Chinese-owned app, compromises user data due to its ties to the Chinese government. This raises concerns about personal information security, as well as potential spying and surveillance activities, prompting the question of whether TikTok has been collecting user data without their knowledge and sharing it with third parties. While concerns about data privacy and security are valid, banning TikTok may not be the best solution. Regulatory measures could be implemented to address specific privacy and security concerns while still allowing users to enjoy the platform's creative and community-building elements. Banning TikTok totally would violate users' freedom of expression and access to cultural content while also ignoring possible chances for constructive communication and cooperation between governments and technology companies to address shared concerns about data privacy and security.

The idea of banning TikTok remains undeniable as the app serves different purposes for individual’s creativity, inspiration, and bonding within the whole community. TikTok has evolved into more than simply an app; it's a worldwide phenomenon that enables people to express who they are, share their hobbies, and create deep connections. However, let's take a moment to think through the ramifications. Not only is TikTok being banned from our phones, but millions of voices will be silenced, the creative spark will be extinguished, and relationships between people from different countries and cultures will be severed. Rather than giving in to fear and doubt, let's take a different route that involves cooperation, control, and empowerment. Together, let's address justifiable worries about data security and privacy while maintaining the thriving ecosystem that TikTok has made possible.

No amount of style can make up for your lack of personality

by Isabella W.

If someone were to approach you on the street seeking out a conversation with you because they thought your style was nice, could you entertain a conversation about anything other than your appearance?

All over social media there has been an influx of fashion and makeup trends, aesthetics, and hot new brands. It seems like everyone is hyperfocused on their style and what box their style fits into. However there seems to be a lack of any depth to these trends and aesthetics. For example the dark academia aesthetic is extremely popular on social media but there never seems to be any overlap with actual academics in videos promoting this style.

Having a good style can get you somewhere but if you have no personality to back it up you won’t get very far. When talking about style we’re always asking questions like what clothes are the coolest people wearing right now? How can I elevate my wardrobe to be like these people? What clothes make me look the best? But if you've ever paid attention to the fashion icons of the world you see that they have things to do, people to meet, places to go, they are never just thinking about what they’re going to wear tomorrow. Because your style is intertwined with your personality and having a good personality will automatically elevate your style.

Why should I care if your outfit looks like it came straight from a magazine if you can’t hold a conversation about something other than appearances for more than 5 minutes? Do you know anything about the history of the brands you’re wearing? Or fashion history? Or any history for that matter?

No one is saying you have to be some kind of scholar that knows everything about everything but you should be bringing something to the table other than materialistic items. Your style should reflect who you are, which means that the inside should be just as intriguing as the outside. Having hobbies and interests that you put time and effort into are pillars of who you are on the inside and make you all the more interesting.

Look at Bella Hadid, one of the most popular fashion models right now. She’s probably graced everyone's Pinterest feed at some point but her style isn’t the only reason people are drawn to her. She is known for her strong beliefs, her openness about her spirituality, her love for horseback riding, and she has her own makeup brand coming out soon. Bella Hadid doesn’t just look like a cool girl, she acts like it.

One of the first things any person interested in fashion will tell you is to be confident in your style. Confidence makes any outfit look better because you’re wearing it with pride. Having that confidence to wear what you want without caring what other people think comes with having a strong mind, and in order to have a strong mind you have to put in work. You have to expand your mind whether that's by reading, working, talking to new people, going to school, or anything else that gets you thinking. Having knowledge about things you’re interested in, having things to say, opinions to defend, those things will make you more confident in yourself because you know that even if you don’t look put together all the time you’re still just as interesting.

Yes, fashion is visual but if that's all you care about you’re going to find yourself surrounded by shallow brainless people who think just like you, and I’m not one to yuck someone else’s yum but that sounds miserable. Don’t get me wrong I think fashion is extremely important for our culture and I have the utmost respect for designers and models but I also think it’s important to remember that visuals are not everything. Visuals are great for reeling people in, your style shows people a little piece of you and people that appreciate that will be drawn to you. But once they’re there you have to be the one entertaining them, your style can’t hold a conversation for you. Your style can make you look cool but it can’t make you as a person likable, that's something you have to do if you want to befriend real cool people.

I fear that in this new era of social media we have placed too much focus on aesthetics and style and not enough on getting to know yourself so you can authentically be yourself. Being a well rounded person comes with knowing what you like to wear and what you have to say. So next time you buy a cute new top pop into a book store and pick up a new read because pulling out a book at the coffee shop is the ultimate cool girl move.

Unmasking the threat of cancel culture: Upholding freedom of expression

by Laila E.

Approximately 40% of Americans now say they have refrained from speaking up or sharing their genuine opinions out of fear of retaliation. Cancel culture refers to the widespread practice of publicly shaming or boycotting individuals, companies, or institutions for behavior or beliefs deemed offensive or inappropriate. It often involves social media-driven campaigns aimed at holding people accountable for their actions, statements, or past behaviors, sometimes resulting in severe consequences such as loss of employment, reputational damage, or ostracization from social circles. While cancel culture purportedly aims to hold individuals or institutions accountable for their actions, it ultimately stifles open discourse, inhibits intellectual diversity, and undermines the fundamental principles of forgiveness and redemption in society.

Cancel culture threatens freedom of speech by creating an environment of fear and self-censorship, where individuals may hesitate to express opinions or engage in controversial discussions out of concern for backlash or social ostracism. According to Debating Matters, by calling public censorship "accountability," one is distancing themselves from criticism and thereby limiting the scrutiny that may be applied to their own dominant viewpoints. Debating Matters also states that cancel culture is detrimental to free speech and democracy because it allows a minority to dominate the majority and prevents important discussions that could alter public opinion from taking place out of concern for the negative social and economic effects.

Intellectual diversity is inhibited by cancel culture as the practice suppresses alternative perspectives and innovate ideas, leading to a narrowing of viewpoints that prevents the exploration of diverse opinions essential for critical thinking. In support of this, Medium states that cancel culture frequently uses binary thinking and oversimplifcation to reduce complicated subjects to a black-and-white story. This oversimplification produces a narrow and reductionist perspective of the issues at hand by ignoring the subtleties and complexity present in many disputes.

The acts of forgiveness and redemption are undermined by cancel culture because a culture of punitive measures and permanent condemnation for past mistakes or controversial statememts is promoted. To substantiate this claim, Real Mom Life asserts by combating cancel culture’s habit of of casting individuals aside for their mistakes, education, empathy, and understanding can be fostered. It is important to recogize that people can change and that society may improve the lives of individuals and the community at large by offering chances for personal development.

One could contend that, in actuality, cancel culture serves as a powerful tool for marginalized communities to challenge systemic injustices and demand accountability from those in positions of power. While it is true that cancel culture has been used to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and hold powerful individuals or institutions accountable, its discriminate nature often results in unintended consequences. Cancel culture can lead to the silencing of dissenting opinions, the erosion of due process, and the unjust targeting of individuals for minor transgressions or misinterpretations. Moreover, it can create a chilling effect on free speech and discourage open dialogue, ultimately hindering progress towards genuine societal change and reconcilitation.

Cancel culture, although ostensibly directed towards accountability, paradoxically suppresses open discourse, constrains intellectual diversity, and subverts foundational values of forgiveness and redemption within society. Reject the impulse to cancel and instead embrace dialogue, empathy, and nuance. Let’s commit to understanding, educating, and supporting one another, even when we disagree. Together, society can cultivate a culture of accountability without condemnation, fostering growth, learning, and genuine change. Take a stand against cancel culture and join the movement towards empathy, inclusivity, and constructive dialogue. As lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”

AHS needs to embrace Dual Enrollment

by Riley W.

Many people at Airport High School are unaware of the dual enrollment program currently offered or elect to abstain from joining the program without knowing its many benefits. As a result, many students do not meet their full potential before going to college or entering the workforce. Taking dual enrollment instead of AP courses has many benefits for a student throughout high school and for years to come. Dual enrollment is advantageous over AP courses because dual enrollment has a lesser workload, when earning college credit it is more favorable, and it teaches students responsibility and communication skills for the real world. As a result, Airport high needs to encourage its students to participate in dual enrollment.

Oftentimes students do not take advantage of dual enrollment because they assume that it will have more work. However, this is not the case as dual enrollment often entails less work than that of an AP class. As a member of the dual enrollment program through Midlands Tech and a student who has taken many AP classes, in my experience my dual enrollment classes have repeatedly given me less work than the equivalent AP class. For example, when I took History 201, it offered an overview of American history from the founding of America to 1877, but when taking AP U.S. History I was expected to learn 150 more years of content and have a more depthful, intensive knowledge of the content. In comparison, AP courses are expected to cover all content extensively, while dual enrollment may break down content into parts for a more unstandable length. As AP courses are considerably longer, a student is less likely to comprehend the content compared to dual enrollment. Consequently, Airport high school should encourage its students to take dual enrollment as it contains less work and sets realistic expectations.

Concerning one gaining college credit, dual enrollment is favorable over AP classes. Going into an AP exam, one does not know what content is going to be on the exam. Since this is the case, students are less prepared and stressed for the exam, thus making them less likely to pass. In AP classes one must pass the exam for college credit, while for dual enrollment one must simply just pass the class. In order to pass a dual enrollment class, one must simply do the work and maintain a “C” average. Besides a “C” average the requirements of a dual enrollment class is present in AP classes because if one is not willing to do the work, then one is not going to pass the AP exam and not earn college credit. One may argue against dual enrollment because it is hard for those credits to transfer to prestigious universities. However, oftentimes these prestigious universities only accept 5’s on AP exams, which is very hard to achieve, or do not accept it all. Therefore, when transferring credits to more reputable universities credit through AP or dual enrollment is almost the same. Consequently, dual enrollment is advantageous over AP classes in that when it comes to earning college credit it is straightforward and will transfer to many of the same colleges.

One of the most important aspects of dual enrollment is that it provides students with a collegiate setting before being in college. If students have a problem or a conflicting schedule, then they are expected to email or meet with their professors by themselves to let them know and find out what needs to be done. As a result, students are taught responsibility by having to let their professors know or they will fall behind. Furthermore, students are taught communication skills because they must be able to politely communicate, for example, through email, that something has come up. Not only does this help prepare a student for college, but it also prepares a student for the workforce in which they will have responsibilities and must be able to communicate with their peers and employer. On the other hand, students are less likely to learn a sense of responsibility in an AP class, as teachers will not allow a student to fall behind and parents are often a medium for communication. Overall, dual enrollment provides students with life skills they need to succeed in the real world that AP classes cannot offer.

Overall, Airport high school needs to put more emphasis on encouraging students to take dual enrollment classes. Dual enrollment will repeatedly offer students a more successful and easier path to obtaining college credit and being prepared for the real world compared to AP classes. Among these advantages includes an easier workload, being more likely to achieve college credit, and learning responsibility and communication skills. Thousands of students every year do not further their education because they cannot afford the vast, remorseless expenses of college. Dual enrollment offers an alternative to these students while in high school that they could reduce the cost of their education by thousands of dollars with each class they take. If Airport embraces the idea of dual enrollment, then it can contribute to decreasing the total number of students who will not attend college one student at a time.

We must demand for the bathrooms to be fixed

by Balentin C.D.

Many male students walking around Airport High School seem to wonder the same thing “Why is every bathroom closed?”. The majority of bathrooms, specifically the male bathrooms are closed at Airport and they have been for a long time now. It seems that when they do get fixed they shut down immediately after. What’s the cause of this? Airport High is an old school and being an old school means it has old plumbing, over the years extensive use of the bathrooms will cause it to malfunction and not be usable which explains why the bathrooms are always closed. While this is understandable the fact that they have been closed for months to years is unacceptable. We must demand for the bathrooms to be fixed if not change will never come. There are many reason as to why we must demand the changes. 

To start off its illegal. South Carolina building code requires 1 toilet per 40 students. Let’s break the numbers down. Airport High has around 1,400 students and assuming half are male means that we need enough toilets for 700 students and 700 divided by 40 means that we need around 18 functioning toilets at all time. What’s the current number of toilets available to male students? The answer is a measly four. That would only be enough for 160 students and that’s over four times less than the legal number of toilets that should be open to students. This is like feeding a bear the same amount of food you feed your cat; it is just not enough. It is just plain wrong to share that small amount of toilets with 700 people and no one is doing anything about it. It's against the law and many at Airport should be held accountable for not responding and fixing this issue as soon as possible. 

Secondly, it is hurting many male students at Airport High making them stressed, worried, and anxious. I interviewed Caleb S., a current senior at Airport High and this is what he had to say “ The bathrooms are always closed and it takes away my learning time in many of my classes. My calculus class is on the other side of the school from the nearest open bathroom and it takes up so much of my time that when I come back from using it I feel lost in class. It makes me feel worried, stressed and anxious in many of my classes.” As you can see the closed bathrooms are hurting the students at Airport and one can only feel for us as many of us value our education. Students are like leafs to trees and the school being the tree is made up of many students and once students start doing bad the tree goes bad. As a male student myself that has been experiencing similar problems as Caleb I can speak for many others and can confirm that other problems such as being late to class, failure to learn material and many other issues are prevalent due to the bathrooms being closed. 

Many school officials claim that it is due to the students' own fault. Many say that students are flushing things that should not be flushed down the toilet and that students are intentionally breaking bathroom equipment. Other school officials claim that the process of replacing the plumbing will be very expensive. To answer their first claim the actions of a few students should not be affecting the rest of the students. They should take more disciplinary action against students suspected of intentionally misusing the bathrooms in any way. Most of us only want to use it for its intended purpose. Their second claim is nonsense as the school stadium has been renovated with brand new LED lights which range in costs from $120,000 to upwards of $880,000. These are extremely expensive considering the bathrooms inside the school do not even work. Spending a ridiculous amount of money on something purely aesthetic when compared to an actual issue is an awful job on the school officials end. I myself would rather have functioning school bathrooms than the field to be slightly brighter at my next soccer game. 

Bathroom requirements not being met; emotional distress, and made up excuses should be enough reasons for us the students at Airport to demand our bathrooms be fixed as fast as possible. As Coretta Scott King once said, “ It doesn't matter how strong your opinion are. If you don't use your power for positive change, you are indeed part of the problem." We must speak out and bring change for our school.

Be kind to pigeons, the heroes of communication

by Abbie R.

Have you ever been in a parking lot, seen a bunch of pigeons, and thought “how stupid, they just sit here all day”? Hopefully you haven’t, but a lot of people think that way. Looking back just a century ago, pigeons were used as messengers, flying across miles and miles. So how did they turn into what they are now? Humans. As new inventions were created, such as the telegraph, humans no longer had need for messages sent through pigeons, and therefore no more need for pigeons. This is why we should be nicer to pigeons, as it is our fault they are the way they are.

Pigeons were used for communication dating back thousands of years. A pigeon’s home is forever ingrained in their mind, so when transported to another place, a message would be attached to the pigeon, and the pigeon would naturally fly back home. This was an effective way to get a message from one place to another, which is why it was used for thousands of years. However, in the past century, many new communicative inventions have been created, such as the telegraph, pager, and eventually the cellphone. As these inventions were made, the pigeons began to have less and less value to humans. While pigeons were used to being fed and taken care of by humans, the humans had no regard for their wellbeing once they no longer needed them. Imagine someone took care of you for years, then all of the sudden dropped you off on the side of the road.

Just in New York City, there are 4 million pigeons. While many videos and social media posts can be viewed of people criticizing pigeons and their lifestyles, it is important to note the reasons for them being the way they are. As humans, it is our duty to be kind to these pigeons who helped out ancestors. It is not their fault they were domesticated, and they should be treated kindly. Next time you see a pigeon, rather than thinking ill of them, throw them some food and respect their space. Just like you do not want pigeons walking up to you and laughing, you should not walk up to them and try to scare them.

Going forward, please remember the history of pigeons. Pigeons have been through a lot, and have remarkably adapted to the way humans have treated them. Be kind to pigeons, and think of them for the great things they did, not just the small annoyance they may be to you.

The ethics of internet culture need be considered more often

by Danyelle T.

Internet culture has stretched and molded itself into something beyond the wildest imaginations of the earliest pioneers of technology. With the development of MySpace to the now insanely relevant TikTok social media app, technology has become incredibly complex and powerful. However, with that incredible power, comes a massive weight of responsibility on everyone involved in the online world. The internet has brought the world amazing things, whether it be the ability to talk to loved ones from hundreds of miles away, or the new addition of efficient and convenient tools onto your mobile device. Despite this, every day there are thousands of silent screams that come from victims of internet culture that no one cares enough to listen to. The topic of internet culture can be complex, while some people thrive and feel happiest on the internet, there are issues in the online world that still need to be addressed on a day-to-day basis, such as cyberbullying, the presence of millions of minors, and the effects of Cringe Culture in the modern era.

When the complexities and dangers of the internet were first introduced, cyberbullying awareness was at the forefront of almost every classroom at some point. I remember watching several PSA videos in school warning us about the dangers of letting yourself get too comfortable online. Suddenly, as kids become teenagers and teenagers become adults, we seem to think cyberbullying isn’t relevant or even necessary to teach, when it absolutely is. On a blog that researches cyberbullying statistics throughout 2024, they claim, “Over 60% of children and 40% of adults have been targeted by cyberbullies.” That is a disgusting statistic that should’ve never been allowed to happen, but it was. Cyberbullying and its effects have been pushed into the background with each generation because certain parents are incredibly eager to hand their children electronic devices to keep their involvement and responsibility as minimal as possible. Cyberbullying happens every single day to so many different age groups and ethnicities, it isn’t just children that are targeted and affected.

On the topic of children, they are everywhere online. I had my first Instagram account when I was about 10 years old, and I have experienced the repercussions of that first hand. There is little to no moderation of keeping minors outside of explicit or mature websites. Children at a young age can easily lie about their age when setting up accounts. I remember always choosing my regular birthday with the month and the day, but choosing a year like 1987 or 1990. Not only is there hardly any restriction on children gaining easy access into mature websites, but there is also a constant influx of online predators and groomers. The Child Crime Prevention and Safety Center states, “There are an estimated 500,000 online predators active each day. Children between the ages of 12 and 15 are especially susceptible to be groomed or manipulated by adults they meet online.” Not only is this an incredibly real and frightening issue, but it’s an issue that victims are too afraid, embarrassed, or confused to speak up about. In the worst cases, they don’t even know what’s happening is wrong because they’re not informed.

There is lastly the lesser known but more prevalent issue of Cringe Culture. Cringe Culture has no set definition, but often involves the bullying and harassment of a group of people through the shield of an online platform. This harrassment can stem from millions of characteristics, whether it be what an individual looks like, what an individual is interested in, and what an individual suffers with mentally. Victims of Cringe Culture can be any age, gender, and ethnicity. The presence of Cringe Culture is largely on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, with compilation videos titled “TikTok Cringe Compilation” being posted on youtube and garnering millions of views, and often features an individual doing something incredibly harmless and innocent, like dressing up as a character they enjoy. This corner of the internet discourages individuality, expressiveness, and to an extent, fun. Keeping yourself physically safe online is one thing, but keeping your mental health and even happiness safe online is a different task and arguably, even more difficult.

Opinions on internet culture vary from person to person, an individual may thrive online while another may fear for their safety online. With this, issues such as cyberbullying, the presence of millions of minors and children, and the effects of Cringe Culture, should be at the forefront when discussing the online world. With all of these factors in mind, it’s difficult to not think about your own online past and experiences. Did you feel safe? Were you happy? Did you know what you were doing was right or wrong? They’re all touchy subjects. However, the most difficult subjects to talk about are often the most important to discuss.

Strict parenting has more cons than pros

by Alondra R.

Being a teen with strict parents can have significant drawbacks that impact various aspects of a young person's life. The pervasive influence of strict parenting can permeate every facet of a teen's existence, from our social interactions to our academic pursuits and personal development. One of the most glaring issues with strict parenting is the lack of autonomy and independence afforded to us teens. With parents dictating every aspect of our lives, from our choice of friends to our extracurricular activities and even our career aspirations, teens may struggle to assert our own identity and make decisions that align with our interests and passions.

The rigid rules and high expectations set by strict parents can create a pressure-cooker environment that fosters anxiety and stress. Teens may constantly feel the weight of our parents' expectations bearing down on them, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. This pressure to meet unrealistic standards can have detrimental effects on teens' mental health, contributing to issues such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

The lack of trust and open communication between teens and our strict parents can erode the foundation of our relationship. Rather than fostering a sense of mutual respect and understanding, strict parenting often breeds resentment and rebellion. Teens may feel unfairly controlled and micromanaged, leading to conflicts and power struggles within the family dynamic. This breakdown in trust can create a rift between parents and teens, hindering our ability to connect and communicate effectively.

Additionally, the restrictive nature of strict parenting can impede teens' social and emotional development. Without the opportunity to explore our interests, form meaningful relationships, and learn from our mistakes, teens may struggle to develop important life skills such as problem-solving, resilience, and empathy. This lack of exposure to real-world experiences can leave teens ill-prepared to navigate the complexities of adulthood, leading to feelings of isolation and alienation.

Being a teen with strict parents can have far-reaching consequences that extend well beyond the confines of the family home. From stifling personal growth and development to fostering feelings of anxiety and isolation, strict parenting can have a detrimental impact on a teen's overall well-being. It is essential for parents to strike a balance between setting boundaries and allowing our teens the freedom to explore and learn from our experiences. By fostering open communication, trust, and mutual respect, parents can create a supportive environment that promotes healthy growth and development for our teens.

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