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Pretty Eagles dance team should have more credit

By NeNe P.

Confidence, rhythm, motivation & energy are some of the main characteristics to be a dancer, and this is what The Pretty Eagles dance team is all about.  The Pretty Eagles, started by Ms. Barrett, is Airport High School’s dance team that performs at pep rallies, football games, and basketball games.  As I previously reported in The Eyrie, the dance team is growing to a higher extent in AHS and should be getting  the recognition they deserve.The Pretty Eagles dance team just had tryouts for basketball season and some of the girls  are starting to try and bring awareness for the team. Most people think The Pretty Eagles dance team was a good idea for Ms.Barrett to start, but others think they have a long way to go in terms of skill and popularity. As a member of the team, it is my view that the Pretty Eagles dance team doesn't get enough credit and should be recognized more for what they do.

One way the dance team could get more recognition is if the school could partially fund the team.  AHS does not currently fund The Pretty Eagles dance team, and they have  to fundraise themselves. When it comes to purchasing anything that would benefit them to become better, they have to raise their own money, like through their recent T-shirt sale.  Other school programs like any athletic sport have help from school fundraising, or get money directly from the school’s main budget, while on the other hand us as The Pretty Eagles have to buy our own stuff to make and sell in order for us to afford the things we want. Football, Girls and Boys Basketball, and a few other team sports get help from the school. The Pretty Eagles dance team doesn't get this luxury, and this needs to change. .

Another way the Pretty Eagles could get more respect is by having their own rehearsal area.  other sports most likely get a dedicated room or area for their sports, unlike the dance team. For example, the basketball players get their own gym just like how the football and track players have their own room or area. Even though the dance team has started not so long ago they are still a part of AHS going on their 4th year  and should be able to have some more help and opportunities. The dance team is grateful and thankful for the things they have and have accomplished so far, but the dancers should at least have a proper area and space. Especially since it’s growing and becoming a bigger program as a whole. Dance rooms usually have mirrors, good flooring, wireless speakers etc., and we need this kind of practice space to be the best we can be. As for the room we use at AHS, it's half of a basketball court with a broken goal, and high ceilings; and let's not forget a locker room that doesn't get cleaned and that is very dirty. 

In dance there are many and different tasks you do like acrobatics and having to stretch and warm up there body and even though that the dance team is mostly a group of females they should at least be able to be in weight lifting or at least have some equipment to help them and what they do. 

The third reason the Pretty Eagles deserve more respect is they do a lot and are misunderstood for how they dress and how they perform.  Some people make fun of them or criticize their style, but they should be more supported and valued and not brought down by others.  It’s just wrong to be hateful rather than encouraging.  The team should be elevated and uplifted. The dance team has a lot of potential and helps as much as they can and should be remembered for the positive things and not the negative things. Negative criticism can affect these dancers and can even cause them to feel some type of way, but since they are part of the school and the dance team they should feel like it. In short, the whole idea of encouragement rather than criticism should apply to The Pretty Eagles.

Even though the dance team may seem like they are  not that valued that much, they still have accomplished some recognition, like their team picture  that was taken at the AHS football field and was hung on the wall with the other sports. Plus, they were invited to perform at a LEX 2 center for Hispanic Heritage Month and at an AHS event  for veterans. They also danced and cheered on the basketball players at their basketball tournament. So, the dance team has a lot of potential and has come a long way since it first started, but there are still things that can advance it and make it even better.


Let’s see what some students from AHS have to say about this topic. 

Ijazanae J. says, “I like the dance team outfits and I feel like it isn't seen like that. But when they performed at the veterans' thing they should’ve never been twerking in front of old man’s/women's they should have had another dance for it but I do like the dance team.”

Samiyah M. says, “I like y'all's outfits,I feel like I only see them dance for real at games other than that I don't see y'all. Y'all dances are cute & simple, y'all's hair be tea but it should be considered for everybody on the team.”

Zechariah W. says, “I feel like the dance team should wear more clothes but other than that they're straight.” 

To conclude, everyone has their own opinion and thoughts about The Pretty Eagles dance team and is allowed to feel how they feel, but when it comes to respect, we definitely deserve it.

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