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How to prevent getting sick around testing at AHS

by Ava C.

Getting sick around testing season is unfortunate because you aren't performing at your best. A lot of kids at AHS have been getting sick and this is when Airport's testing season starts. 

Tip #1 - It's easy to try and stop getting sick by drinking tea or taking medicine if you are a little bit sick. When it is the early stages of being sick you can do more things at home to try and get rid of the sickness before you have to go to the doctors.  When one student was asked what she does to prevent illness, Izzy L. said, “ My mom makes me drink hot tea and have ibuprofen to get rid of anything in my body.”

Tip #2 - At home you can take a day off to let your body rest. While you do that you can drink tea and take cough medicine or ibuprofen. If doing that doesn’t work then most parents take your children to the doctors to get better.  Sean H., corroborated the idea of medicine when he said, “I take Nyquil as well as Aspirin when my body feels weak like about to get sick.”

Tip #3-  You can take a day off. On that day off you can sleep and get some fresh air. You could also eat soup and take a hot shower. Then at night you can take nyquil to sleep and to fight off the sickness.

Tip #4- At the very least you can go to the doctors to get checked out. The doctors will see if you have symptoms of the flu, covid, rsvp etc. If you are any one of those then they will give you medicine to help with the sickness you have.

Tip #5- If none of that works/ helps you then that's when you go to the hospital to see if you have an infection in your body. They will put you on a bunch of medicine which will help with the sickness.

Tip #6- You can ask your doctor to check your immunizations to see if they are updated. You can also disinfect any surfaces to get rid of sickness but you can cover your cough and not spread the germs everywhere.

Tip #7-  Being around a bunch of people can make you get sicker. You can combat by washing your hands and practicing good hygiene. You can also avoid close contact even with family or friends. 

Tip #8- Some people exercise and eat antibiotics like garlic, ginger, clove, oregano .That helps get rid of anything in your body. Some parents crush up garlic and put it in tea with honey and drink it to get rid of anything in their kids' bodies. 

Tip #9- You also need to get some vitamins in your body. Vitamin C is really good to get from orange juice. Vitamin D you can get from sitting outside. Those two together can make you feel better until you are no longer feeling sick.

Tip #10- When you get sick you would want to avoid any type of drugs. Especially drinking and smoking. Smoking can cause more mucus in your lungs. Drinking can increase your blood sugar and take away your energy level.

In conclusion, these tips can help you to prevent getting sick. Especially since in AHS it is testing season.  

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