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How to never stop smiling: 10 easy ways to be more optimistic

by Ace R.

Teenagers. We have a ton of them here at the Airport. If one thing is definite about teenagers it’s that they are moody and often caught in their feelings. With the stress of school work, parents telling them what to do, and every other change they’re facing, you can’t blame them for having a more cynical attitude towards life. As one of those teenagers I know personally all too well how difficult it can be to keep smiling and try to remain positive so here are 10 easy ways to be more optimistic and never stop smiling. 

  1. Stop trying to force yourself to be happy. It is okay to not be okay

When people think of being happy they go with a “Fake it till you make it” attitude but being in touch with our emotions the good and bad alike can help us understand ourselves and others better. Knowing what's wrong makes it a lot easier to come back from a dark place. As the saying goes “The first step is identifying the problem.” Don’t force yourself to be happy. That will only add more stress and make you feel even worse. Embrace your negative feelings and simply recognize that to be optimistic does not mean never having a bad day, but rather to look for the rainbow after the storm. 

  1. Get into a routine.

Getting into a routine may seem difficult but it’s a lot easier than it seems and the benefits are worth it. A routine doesn’t have to be a big thing but it can be if that’s what you want, the best part about your routine is that it’s YOU’RE routine and it’s whatever works for you. This routine can be morning, night or both. Even just getting up a certain time, then always taking a shower around the same time, then breakfast after your shower, and then making your coffee or something much more intricate than that. Routines can make life easier to manage and deal with. Some of the leading causes of unhappiness are disorganization, stress, and focusing on things you can’t control. With a routine your life may begin to feel more organized and less stressful and it’s completely in your control. 

  1. Change your environment. 

Staying in the same place all the time can cause you to feel trapped, like you’re stuck in a cycle. There’s no harm in switching it up. Read your book outside, watch tiktok in the living room instead of your bedroom, and visit a friend's house. Changing your environment doesn’t always mean changing your location. If you just want to study in your room like always you can still change your environment just by cleaning up a bit and opening a window. Make it feel different, you’re a human being don’t treat yourself like a caged animal. 

  1. Cut out negative people and influences 

I know…this one sounds intense but one of the biggest causes of unhappiness is that we surround ourselves with negative people and influences and then don’t get rid of them once we see how negative they are. Whether this person is a friend, family member or even an online influencer if they are negative people who have a pessimistic outlook on life chances are you may have began to follow suite and share their thoughts it's time to remove yourself from these groups a large weight will be lifted off your shoulders and you may begin to notice that the world isn’t as awful as your pessimistic communities made it out to be. 

  1. Remember it is okay to be selfish.

A lot of people feel guilty for taking part in self care or staying home for a mental health day considering all the work they could be getting done or progress they could be making. This is simply not the case, you will get twice as much done once you are in a better place. Being selfish is something that we are taught is bad and that we need to help other people and put others before ourselves which in some cases can be true but not replying to your friends text and instead just reading a book, taking a bath, or doing something that makes you happy is not a crime. Sometimes you just don’t have the energy to do certain things and that is okay. Have you ever seen mom just tell the kids to figure out dinner on their own and go take a bath? Have you ever had dad leave the house and say he’d be back later to go out with his buddies even though you know he has work to do? You didn’t get mad at them for taking care of their mental health and doing self care, so don’t tell yourself you don’t deserve it either.

  1. Take a Technology Break 

In the modern world we are ALL addicted to technology. Most of our everyday lives wouldn't be successful without it but sometimes you don’t need to know every new trend or keep your streak. There is a whole world outside of the internet, jump off social media for a week and clear your mind, read and acquire a new skill. There’s always something else to do. 

  1. Start doing what YOU want. 

Sometimes we need to stop caring about what others want or expect from us. If you like that shirt it doesn’t matter who doesn’t or what they will say. Sometimes the old saying is correct. “Just be yourself.” you’ll feel more comfortable in your own skin when you embrace it. 

  1. Be grateful.

We as humans often take everything for granted and don’t realize how much we truly have. Take a moment at the end of everyday to say thank you and say something you're grateful for whether it be your friends, family, grades, beauty, pets, home, and so on. Once you stop taking the world for granted you may realize it’s more wonderful than you first thought. 

  1. Try Journalling 

Sometimes we just need to let it out. One reason people are so negative is because they keep all of their feelings bottled up inside, writing them down nightly can be a healthy way to release how we feel and release tension rather than sit there and dwell on upsetting thoughts and angry feelings

  1. Seek Professional help

If all seems bleak and you don’t see the point in these tips or any other lists out there and find yourself feeling hopeless, unmotivated, and like nothing will ever work it may be time to seek help from a professional. A professional doesn’t necessarily mean a doctor but a therapist or even a school counselor talking to someone can truly be a big help if you give it a chance

Looking to other students for additional tips to share proved fruitful. 

Avery S., a student who has struggled with mental health and negative thoughts causing issues in their life, says they do realize they can be more pessimistic than they want tot be. But has also said over the years trying to balance pros and cons so you can see both sides and realize the negatives don’t always outweigh the positives is a great way to stay optimistic as well 

Cameron B., a freshman who claims to be an optimist, says, “I think people can be more optimistic if they don’t care so much about the past and focus on what's ahead, take life slow and easy.” and also stated that he believes we as a society would be much happier if we stopped caring about such menial and unimportant things. 

Finally you may be wondering why people such as myself are pushing you to be more optimistic and not see the benefits of trying to change your point of view. Here’s some benefits of changing your views to be more optimistic and remember, you’re never fully dressed without a smile. 

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