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During month of October, a lot of things going on at AHS

by Alyssa R.

During the month of October there are many things going on at Airport, such as trick or treat lane, boo baskets, and the end of the first quarter

Some fall and Halloween things AHS will be participating in this year is trick or treat lane and boo baskets. Trick or treat lane is something we do every year; it is where different sports and or clubs will pick a theme and put together a table and hand out candy to little kids who walk around the school.

One of the fall sports that is participating in Trick or Treat Lane is cross country. The theme for their table is DC vs Marvel.

Boo baskets are something new we are doing this year as a fundraiser. You can order a hologram for someone, which costs $3 and consists of a full size candy bar, Oreo cookies, and a personalized note. Or you can order a boo basket which is $12 and consists of a small piece of décor, a candle or small kids craft kit, 2 full size candy bars, Oreo cookies, 1 small cake snack, a balloon, and a personalized note.

Aside from the fall activities taking place in October, it also marks the end of the first quarter and the begging of the second which means we are halfway through with first semester.

“ I am really excited for the fall activities,” said Caylee F, “ I am also very excited the second semester is half way done.”

“I cant believe the first quarter is already over,” said senior Chase T. “ I am happy the school year is moving along but I am sad it's going so fast since it's my last year in high school.”

The students are pretty excited for the fall activities and are even more excited the school year is going by so fast. People are also excited to see what the rest of the school year has to offer.

Airport isn't the only school that does these fall activities, as BC high school will also be participating in a trick or treat activity.

The end of first semester and coming into fall also comes with the ending of fall sports. It's a bittersweet moment especially for seniors but most of our fall sports had a good record.

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