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Cyber school to in-person learning: My personal experience

by Karennalyz S.-P.

My name is Karennalyz, and my personal experience when it comes to transitioning from cyber school learning to in-personal learning to say the least was very surprising and helpful.

I myself hate change. I would do anything to prevent it. Maybe it is because I like being in control of things and by things I mean my future or maybe it is because I consider change to be an untouched territory with many positives or negatives possible outcomes. Honestly, rotating back into in-person learning has had to probably be one of the best decisions not only because it benefited me academically but also emotionally and physically as well.

What people don't talk about when it comes to cyber school is how depressing and boring it gets. I was alone on a daily basis, glued to a computer screen for hours at a time with absolutely no human contact. It really did convert me into this person who enjoys the darkness and solitude. It really just gave me so much time to think about everything. It just completely changed the way I see the word and the generation that is currently upon us.

After a few weeks in the school I began to work my way around the school environment allowing myself to be introduced to new people slowly but surely regaining my confidence. I believe that forcing myself through this situation allowed my material understanding to grow, helping me become the student that is presented before my peers on this day.

When it comes to the field of learning it's always found to be in a constant state of flux, constantly challenging and surprising students like myself all around the world. Airport High School students and teachers also share these same beliefs down below two separate quotes are provided demonstrating a teacher and a students opinion towards these two ways of learning.

Riri.T, an airport high school student states ‘’cyber school is a better and easier experience just because I can access everything with a touch of a finger tip."

Mr. Cokley, a teacher at Airport High School states, ‘’ I would say in person learning is better than online learning due to the fact your able to get the assistance that you need were online you may have to wait a certain period of time which causes you to fall behind, I would say in person learning is definitely better than online learning.’’

Journalist Jennifer Vargas Guerra wrote an article on ‘’The Pros and Cons of In-person schooling,’’ and she believes, ‘’An important advantage to in-person schooling is, of course, the socialization. In a traditional classroom, students naturally interact with one another and work on their social skills. Additionally, they engage face-to-face with their teachers, which helps teachers better understand if a student is struggling or falling behind. In a classroom, students are better able to focus and learn without distractions. While some students can easily complete their lessons virtually, others struggle to fully understand and retain the material. ‘’

For some, cyber school is a dream come true; for others, it is a nightmare.

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