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A day in the life of Airport High School's volleyball coach

by Katie C.

Jessica Metts is the longtime volleyball coach of Airport volleyball and a P.E. teacher. Recently she gave us a look at a day in her life!

6 A.M..-Her alarm clock goes off and she hits the snooze button twice!

6:30 AM-She wakes her daughter, Pyper, up for school which normally takes around 15 minutes.

6:45-7:15-She gets dressed and ready for work, makes her morning coffee and makes Pyper breakfast, then packs Pyper her lunch.

7:20-She leaves her house or else Pyper will be late for school!

7:28-7:30-She drops Pyper off at Springdale Elementary school then makes her way over to Airport.

7:35-She arrives at work, sits in her car, and then finishes her first cup of coffee.

7:50-She heads into her office and prepares for the school day. She checks her emails and updates her students' grades.

8:20-She heads down to the arena and prepares for her first block

8:30-9:55-This is her first block P.E. She checks attendance and then unlocks the bathrooms. After this, her students do stretch lines, their 20 minute walk, and finish with the activity of the day.

10-11:25-This is her 2nd block P.E. class and she repeats the same routine as 1st block.

11:30-12:05-This is nest time. Some days she has kids and some days she doesn’t. During this time she watches while her students do makeup work.

12:05-2:00-This is her lunch and 3rd block planning time. During this time she eats, updates more grades, and completes any other tasks she needs to get done. Some days she goes outside and walks the track.

2:00-3:30-This is her 4th block weightlifting class. Her students do the workout she posts while she supervises and answers any questions.

3:30-4:00-She helps clear the school of any students and then prepares her office for the next day. Some days, Pyper rides the bus over to Airport so she stays and waits for her.

4:00 till dinner-It depends on the day of the week for her. Some days Pyper has softball practice so they will come home and rest beforehand. If she doesn’t have practice, her and her family will play outside and clean the house and then find something to make for dinner.

7:00ish-Her and her family eat dinner together and then she cleans up the kitchen.

8:00-Her and her family get ready for bed and then relax for the night.

9:00-She puts Pyper to bed and lays with her until she falls asleep. After this, she goes to her room and settles for bed.

It’s clear that Coach Metts is very busy throughout her day and has very interesting and fun after-school time with her family! Learning about her life is very interesting but some other interesting facts would be..

-88% of people say that teachers played an important role in their lives.

-â…™ teachers work 2nd jobs outside of teaching

-54% of students say that they have had teachers that help them through a difficult time

-75% of students say that they see teachers as role models and mentors

All teachers work extremely hard to do their best work and help students as much as we can. We should all be thankful for amazing teachers like coach Metts.

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