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Seniors get recognized during Coming Home game, festivities

Airport High School recognizes senior basketball and wrestlers during the week of January 29 through February 2. During the week students and teachers had the opportunity to dress up differently everyday the days were

  • Monday- Mathletes v. Athletes

  • Tuesday- Twin Tuesday

  • Wednesday- Meme Day

  • Thursday- Superhero v. Super villain

  • Friday- Decades Day

Coming Home is one of the biggest events at Airport High School because it brings the school together by getting everyone involved. Getting involved in high school makes coming to school fun and enjoyable because students are hanging out with friends and doing something besides sitting in class all day. Additionally, students often complain that students at Airport have no school spirit, so these theme weeks are ways for them to get involved.

Before the game that decided Airport High School’s play off hopes Friday night, there was a ceremony for the senior players. The seniors began the night by walking down with their parents in front of all their friends, family and fans. While they walked down the coach speaks about the senior athlete. The coach talked about what clubs he or she has been involved in, how many times they have lettered, and where they are going to college. Words of encouragement were given to the senior as he or she moves on in their life.

During the week of coming home the student government came up with a theme and dress up days for the week. The theme this year was "Decades" so each class has chosen a decade to represent their class. The senior class chose the 70s, Juniors chose the 90s, Sophomore chose the 00s, and Freshman chose the 80s.

Mr. Bailey, student government advisor in charge of coming home, said,” Coming home is the opportunity to recognize senior basketball and wrestlers players.”

Calvin F., a senior basketball player, when asked if all senior athletes be recognized said, “Yes because they are in the same position as I am and just because basketball is a popular sport other teams should get the same respect.”

“We prepare for coming home by decorating halls or banners and providing many ways for students to get involved,” said Chris S. the student body president.

Most of the students love this event because they get to dress up and have fun during the week. On the other hand, some students do not dress up to the days at all. The teachers are told to tally up how many student dress up over the week there was only 110 responses over the whole week from teachers when Airport has around 80 teachers so there should have been 400 responses. With the responses and the results were added up there was 357 students that dressed up.

In addition to the activities of Coming Home, we celebrate Homecoming. This is the football predecessor of its basketball counterpart Coming Home. It officially started in 1911 after a 20 year battle with the Kansas Jayhawks and the Missouri Tigers. They would meet and invite alumni to the “coming home” game, over 10,000 alumni were there.

If you want to look at pictures of the coming home week, check out the student news show’s Instagram page @Eye_on_the_Eagle.

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