Annual assembly celebrates seniors, school; day begins with prank
This past Wednesday, May 24, 2017, Airport High School hosted their annual Senior Assembly, an assembly that recognizes seniors and their accomplishments, scholarships awarded, amount raised for Charity Drive, etc.
The Senior Assembly is an important milestone for most seniors because it was the last day at school; the next step for them is graduation. Most of the seniors went out and celebrated after the senior assembly.
The two hour assembly did not begin until 10:30, but the celebration of the day began earlier with a hilarious senior prank. Hundreds of solo cups filled with candy lined the 500 hallway. Teachers had to tiptoe around the cups so as not to make a mess. Some teachers' rooms were also duck-taped shut.
Although we are happy for their graduation, it is sad to see the seniors leave. A lot of underclassmen have befriended seniors throughout the year(s), and it was a very emotional day to see them leave.
Wednesday was a good time to see a recap of everyone's high school experience, and what path people wanted to take (sports, academic, arts, stugov, etc.).
The assembly was also a special day for the teachers as well. Mrs. Wolfe won the Dorothy B. Caskey Award as teacher of the year (voted by the senior class) and Mr. Bailey won the Teacher of the Year (voted by faculty and staff).
The senior assembly is an important assembly, and there is one, annually, every year. Next comes graduation, on June 2nd, 2017, at 9:00 am at the Airport Stadium.