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Tips to survive freshman year

In just a few days, the first year of high school for the freshmen of AHS will come to end. Two of The Eyrie's own, rising sophomores Bre J. & Niah S., give their advice on how to survive the first year of high school.

Here's what Bre had to say:

Honestly, freshman year isn't as bad as many people make it seem. Being “fresh meat” isn't as bad either. I wish someone would have given me a little bit of advice, though, so that's what I'm here to do for you today.

Tip 1) Mind your business.

If something has nothing to do with you or the people you love, please don't get involved at all. The reason I say this is because not minding your business can get you in sticky situations that can affect your grades, vibes, social life and so much more. Keep to yourself, find a little social group that has common goals as you and stick with them.

Tip 2) Don't entertain drama.

Drama is what majority of high school students live to be a part of. Drama will honestly just bring you down in not only school but life. Stay focused on your grades, drink water, keep your skin clear, and don't give irrelevant people the time of day.

Tip 3) Please remember nothing last forever.

This tip, I would have to say, is the most important of all. Nothing last forever, that C you have in algebra 2 honors isn't going to kill you, the friend you thought would have in your life till the very end, the pimple of your left cheek, the crush you've had since elementary school won't last forever. Nothing lasts forever, especially in high school. Please don't stress over irrelevant things.

Tip 4) Always ask yourself this: “Will this matter in 10 years?”

If you can honestly answer no to this question then don't spend no more than a minute stressing, worrying, crying, or even entertaining the situation/ problem. The only things that will truly matter in 10 years is your family/friends & goals.

With these 4 Tips I've given you please take this and run with it, pass it along to others, spread the message about how easy high school could be if you honestly just be you and sit back and enjoy the ride.

Now, here's Niah's advice:

  1. Teachers are your friends. Even though they may get on your nerves, they are the only ones other than your true friends who actually care about how to do in life.

  2. Watch and see who are your real friends. As you are in seventh or eighth grade you will need to know who your real friends are. Honestly to me this is the most important rule of all because as you think about what you want to do in life your true friends your true friends will lift you and the friend that you think are your real friends will pull you down.|

  3. Your clique will not last. I know many people say this is not true, but it truly is. I walked in with about thirteen girls and I walked out of school with about three out of the thirteen girls that I was friends with. This happened because of drama and people sectioning themselves into different groups.

  4. Take the time to figure yourself out. Take the time to figure out who your are. Try joining Beta Club or Student Government or something academic. This looks good on your record and makes a positive affect on how you are presented in school.

  5. Do not entertain 'he say she say'. All that 'he say, she say' mess is just extra drama in your life that you don't need; focus on your self and your grades because that's what's best for you.

  6. Learn to not care and have positive vibes. I myself am a nihilist of sorts, which means that nothing really matters in my eyes. You don't have to become a nihilist but you can learn not to care about small things like drama and what people say about you. I'm not saying don't care about your grades or how people see you but all the negative things in your life just ignore it because when you react to it it just causes more bad things to occur and may damage your reputation. Only focus on the good things that uplift you and make you thing positive about yourself.

Good luck, rising freshman.

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