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Graduation costs cause controversy, anxiety for students

Graduation costs have been steadily rising over the years. For families who make a lot of money, these costs are no problem. But what about families who are on a fixed income or work on a low budget? For Airport High School students, graduation necessities cost around $30/$40.

Low income students are at a disadvantage when it comes to graduation. Most school related purchases can be covered by the state or assistance programs. Students can get free lunch, have their entry fees paid, etc. when it comes to graduation, no such programs are offered. Its entirely up to students and students families to come up with the money.

Average household income in SC is only $42,367, which ranks 42nd lowest. City data says that average household income in Gaston, SC is 35,098. A majority of airport high school live in Gaston or near it. According to, a family of four is impoverished if they make $28,440 or less a year. Average Gaston families sit just a little above the poverty line.

Some would argue that the cost of a cap, gown, and diploma cover is over priced. Jostens charges $25.95 for the cap and gown and $11.50 for a diploma cover, a total of $40.07. Diploma covers are only $6.50 each on Amazon. Martha Hutchinson, 74, grandmother to an AHS senior, 74, says “When I was in high school, prices were much lower. Almost everyone had no issue paying for a cap and gown.” She also added there was “not many financial aid programs to begin with.” In other words, while poverty issues back then are the same as they are now, the cost relative to income regarding graduation has increased.

When it comes to money, low income students face a lot of questions. How will my family pay for this? What will this money be taking away from? What happens if I don't write the check? Sadly, not all these questions have immediate answers.

For information on financial assistance, visit the guidance office.

Pricey graduation order form featuring triple digit merchandise.  [Photo by Jordan F.]

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