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4 global competences =  "investigating the world, recognizing perspectives, communicating ideas, and taking action"
6 approaches to researching international education - "comparative and international education, internationalization of higher education, international schools, international research on teaching and teacher education, internationalization of k-12 education, and globalization of education... [are] the multiple fields that operate under the rubric of research of international education" ~Dolby & Rahman, 2006, p. 676
citizen diplomacy = "the concept that the individual has the right to help shape U.S. foreign relations one handshake at a time; citizen diplomats can be students, teachers, athletes, artists, business people, humanitarians, adventurers or tourists; they are motivated by a desire to engage with the rest of the world in a meaningful, mutually beneficial dialogue"  ~US Department of State
comparative education - "statistical information on education so that through comparison education [can] become a science with standardized principles and practice [...] generally focused on systemic and positivist analysis of educational systems" ~Dolby & Rahman, 2008, p. 680
cosmopolitanism = "the idea that all human beings, regardless of their political affiliation, are (or can and should be) citizens in a single community"  ~Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
critical pedagogy - " the ability to assess the political and social structures that exist and to empower people to question authority and speak out against injustices" ~
empathy = "the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another"
global citizenship = "the idea is that one’s identity transcends geography or political borders and that responsibilities or rights are or can be derived from membership in a broader class: humanity"
global (or multicultural) education = "enabling young people to participate in shaping a better, shared future for the world" with "the overarching goal of heightening students' awareness of their position within a global reality and how they can contribute to the creation of a peaceful world"; Dolby & Rahman, 2008, p. 701
glocalization = "the practice of conducting business according to both local and global considerations"

globalization = "a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations"

globalocity = "a creative portmanteau of the words global and curiosity, meaning of or pertaining to the curious exploration of the world, its cultures, and its peoples" ~  

international education - "examining national education systems within their political, cultural, social, and economic context" ~Dolby & Rahman, 2008, p. 680

isolationism = "national policy of avoiding political or economic entanglements with other countries"

Multiculturalism = "characteristics of a multicultural society" and "the policy or process whereby the distinctive identities of the cultural groups within such a society are maintained or supported"  ~Oxford English Dictionary

peace education - "education that focuses on the creation of peaceful social order... [that] centers on topics of conflict resolution, global security, and preventative programs that counter violence, often turning a critical lens on issues of structural inequality within nations" ~Dolby & Rahman, 2008, p. 701

post-colonial theory - "[research] concerned with literature produced by colonial powers and works produced by those who were/are colonized... [that] looks at issues of power, economics, politics, religion, and culture and how these elements work in relation to colonial hegemony" ~Purdue Online Writing Lab

third-culture kids - "the idea that children growing up outside their native countries become part of a third culture rather than one that derives from a simple mix of the home & host countries" ~Dolby & Rahman, 2008, p. 691

xenophobia = "fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign"

In any discussion of global education, certain words and famous quotes are sure to arise; whether or not you agree with the sentiments or ideologies behind these words, it is important to understand what they are and mean. 


Below is an archive of scholarly articles--encountered through TGC and as a PhD student at USC--which resonated with me and may be useful to others interested in global education and/or comparative/international education.

Dolby, N., & Rahman, A. (2008). Research in international education. Review of Educational Research, 78(3), 676-726.  

What follows are professional organizations, government entities, and NGOs invested in global education to which I have been exposed through my research and in which I have developed interest. 

Tools for   Assessing GLobal Competency

These surveys/inventories can be used to determine whether your school or organization is globally competent. Additionally, Thinglink is a great digital tool for use in classroom instruction. A ThingLink I made for the TGC fellowship is also linked.

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